I wish you were in the States so we could "stitch n sip" in the same room. Our Skype calls are fun and seeing you on the computer screen makes me want to climb in and knit along with you. Oh, to be in beautiful New Zealand! I'm with you in spirit.
Thankfully, you've had the chance to be on the North Island in Wellington for the last month. I bet it's a joy to be away from the rebuilding efforts of Christchurch. Two years after the earthquake, you deserve a break from the headaches of aftershocks, reconstruction noise and road work. You are a trooper. I love that you and your hubby brought your kitty with you.
I am working on staying focused in my knitterly endeavors, knitting on one project for a bit, then switching to another project for a little while. When I go back to the former knitting project and knit some more, I'm re-energized to keep knitting. It seems to be working to keep me challenged with my short attention span. I'm so into hats, hats, hats these days. There are so many different ways to design and construct a hat!
Stay warm in your austral winter, drink lots of tea, and as Elizabeth Zimmerman said "Knit on, through all crises!" We are enjoying sunshine and watching the trees fill out in glorious GREEN here in Colorado on the Western side of the Rockies. And you know how much Winterovers* love green growing things.
I'm working on a new hat that just needs the crown knitted on and maybe buttons on the side.
Love, Lynn
*Winterovers are people who spend the austral winter on "the Ice" during the long, dark months from March through September.
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